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Author Interview

Calling all Authors

Are you looking for a publisher? RCN Media might be the perfect place for you!

Are you looking for a publisher? RCN Media might be the perfect place for you!

We are a traditional indie publisher located on Vancouver Island, and we publish books that are distributed worldwide through our website, Amazon, and retailers. We are looking to expand our 2022/2023 publishing schedule. 

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Flying Books

What We Are Looking For:

  1. Finished (or nearly finished) novel-length manuscripts (40,000 words or more, though exceptions can be made).

  2. Short stories to be included in anthologies.

  3. Short stories/poems/short nonfiction pieces to be included in anthologies for charity. 

Why RCN Media?

  • RCN Media's job is to take your manuscript and create a fully edited, formatted book, then promote it for you.

  • We are investors, so we handle all the work from the time you finish the manuscript. This includes final edits, cover work (which you have a say in), layout, copyright, promotion, printing and getting your book into every bookstore. 

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What Does It Cost You?

Nothing! RCN Media finances everything and takes a profit from sales. We are a traditional publisher and do not touch your royalties, which are also industry standard. 

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